
Cintra/Tektronix Model 909 Desktop Scientific Calculator
This exhibit is dedicated in perpetuity to Dr. Irwin Wunderman (4/24/1931-7/23/2005), the visionary behind the Cintra calculators, and founder of Cintra Corporation.
Updated 1/3/2021
This exhibit is currently undergoing
major re-work. It will return when this work has been completed. Thank you
for your patience.
Profound thanks to Dr. Irwin Wunderman(4/24/1931-7/23/2005) for providing invaluable information on Cintra's history and calculators.
This page is dedicated to the memory
of David Takagishi, an electronics engineer at Cintra, and later Tektronix, involved with the design of the Cintra 909 and 911 calculators, as well as
contributing the the development of the Tektronix Model 21 and 31
Thanks doesn't convey the appreciation
to Dr. Rudolph Panholzer, who spent many hours speaking to the me over the
telephone reminiscing of those days working at Cintra, as well as a number
of lengthy EMail exchanges, all leading to
countless priceless insights into the details of the Cintra 909 and 911
calculators' development. Dr. Panholzer was an early employee of Cintra
whose job it was to translate the vision that Dr. Wunderman had for his
electronic calculator into the amazing digital logic architecture that
made the 909 and 911 calculators possible.
Special thanks to Mr. Robert Krten for
providing a copy of the manual for the Tektronix 909 calculator to the museum.
Thank you to Mr. Don Wood for
great information on the role of Physics International, and the
production and service problems with Cintra's early calculators.
Thanks to Mr. Gary Laroff for providing archive material on early Tektronix calculator products.
Text and images Copyright ©1997-2023, Rick Bensene.
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