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News Archive - A later announcment of Agreement between Hayakawa Electric (Sharp) and Burroughs

Computers & Automation May, 1968

A slightly later news release announcing the formation of an agreement between Hayakawa Electric (Sharp) and Burroughs Corp. for Hayakawa Electric to manufacture electronic calculators to Burroughs' specifications for sale by Burroughs under the Burroughs label for distribution through the company's world-wide sales network. This news was originally announced in early 1968, but news outlets took varying amounts of time to publish the news depending on publication lead-times.

Many of the calculators built under this agreement were derivatives of calculators produced and sold by Sharp, with the primary differences being cabinetry and color schemes, with much of the electronics being very similar or identical. An example of this relationship is Sharp's EL-160, and Burroughs' C3260 calculators, which are quite different in appearance, but share the same Sharp-developed and manufactured electronics.