Specifications for Hewlett Packard 46

Manufacturer:		Hewlett Packard, Calculator Products Division
Model Number:		46
Serial Number:		1314A05624
Date of Manufacture:	Early 1973
Manufactured In:	USA, Loveland, Colorado
Original Price:		$695 Base.  Option 001 LED Display additional $100
Weight:			13 Pounds
Size:			11" Wide, 15 1/2" Deep, 5 1/2" High
Power Requirement:	25 Watts (Max.) 120V AC 48-66Hz (Voltage Selectable)
Display Technology:	Standard HP-46 has printer only
			Drum Impact Printer, 18 column, 2-color (Black/Red)
			Option 001 adds 15 digit position LED Display
			Single Red LED indicator for "Busy"
Logic Technology:	HP-Designed LSI Integrated Circuits
			Microprogrammed CPU, LSI ROM Microcode Store
Digits of Capacity:	10 + 2 Exponent, 2 invisible Guard Digits
Decimal Modes:		Scientific or Fixed at 0-9 digits behind decimal
Arithmetic Logic:	Reverse Polish Notation, 3-Level Stack
Math Functions:		Four Function, Square Root, Reciprocal, Square
			Trig w/inverse functions (Degrees/Rads/Grads)
			yx, 10x, ex, Natural and Base 10 Logarithms
			Statistics: Summation, Average, Standard Deviation
			Conversions: Degrees/Minutes/Seconds<->Decimal, Rectangular<->Polar
Constant:		N/A, RPN Logic
Memories:		10, Memory Registers 0 through 9.  Store/Recall

Previous Machine: Passport CA-850 Next Machine: Wang 462 Related Machines: Hewlett Packard 9100B Hewlett Packard 9810A Hewlett Packard 9820A Hewlett Packard 9830A Hewlett Packard 9815A Hewlett Packard 9825A Hewlett Packard HP-01 Hewlett Packard 85
Web Links: Dave Hicks' Museum of HP Calculators
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