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Calculator Exhibits by Manufacturer
This page is a list of the calculators
in the Old Calculator Web Museum organized by manufacturer. Please go
to the Main Museum Page to see the listing of
calculators ordered roughly by age. Note that if you go to a given calculator's page,
the "Previous" and "Next" selections will take you to the next machine in chronological order, not by manufacturer as
listed here.
Calculators listed that do not have a link are part of the museum's collection, but have not yet had an exhibit prepared.
Index of Manufacturers
Addo-X, Addmaster/Marchant, Adler, Anita (Sumlock Comptometer), Bohn, Bowmar/Ali, Brother, Burroughs, Busicom (Nippon Calculating Machine Co.), Canon, Casio, Cintra, Commodore, Compucorp (Computer Design Corp.), Computer Design Corp. (Compucorp), Craig, Crown, Curta, Denon (Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd.), Descal (Takachiho Koheki Co.), Dictaphone, Diehl, Eiko Business Machines Co. Ltd., Facit, Friden (Singer), Heathkit, Hewlett Packard, Industria Macchine Elettroniche (IME), International Calculating Machines (ICM), Lago Calc, Lloyds Electronics, Mathatronics, Marchant (SCM), Master Calculator Co., Miida, Micro Instrumentation & Telemetry Systems (MITS), Monroe/Litton, National Cash Register (NCR), Nippon Calculating Machine Co. (Busicom), Olivetti, Olympia Werke AG, Panasonic (Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.), Passport, Philips, Rapid-Data, Remington, Rockwell, Royal Typewriter Co. (Litton), Sanyo, SCM (Smith-Corona Marchant), Sharp (Hayakawa Electric Co., Ltd), Singer, Sony, Soundesign, Sumlock Comptometer (Anita), Sperry/Remington Rand, Takachiho Koheki Co. (Descal), Tektronix, Texas Instruments, Toshiba (Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co. Ltd.), Unicom, Victor, Wanderer Werke, Wang Laboratories, Wyle Laboratories
Addo-X 9958
Marchant Memory-12
Adler 804
Bohn Contex
Bohn Omnitrex 8
Bohn Omnitrex 12
Bowmar/Ali Inc.
Bowmar 90401
Brother Calther/Procal 412
Brother Calther/Procal 514
Burroughs C3350
Burroughs C3146
Burroughs C3260
Burroughs C3660
Burroughs C3661
Busicom (Nippon Calculating Machine Co.)
Busicom 161
Canon 161
Canon 130S
Canon 141
Canon 164P
Canon Canola 1210
Canon Canola L163
Canon Canola 167P
Canon Canola L121
Canon Pocketronic
Canon Canola L100A
Canon Canola L100S
Canon Canola L1210
Canon Canola L1428
Canon CP-2010
Canon SX-310
Casio Computer Co. Ltd.
Casio/Remington 101
Casio/Commodore AL-1000
Casio AL-2000
Casio 121-A
Casio AS-L
Casio fx-1
Casio AS-8A
Casio "Mini"
Casio fx-3
Casio 121-F
Cintra/Tektronix 909 "Scientific"
Cintra/Tektronix 928 Instructor Interface for 909/911 Calculator [Manual]
Commodore 500E
Commodore AL-1000
Commodore 1121
Commodore C108
Commodore C112
Commodore US*3
Commodore US*1
Commodore US*1M
Commodore US*8 (Version I)
Commodore US*8 (Version II)
Commodore US*10
Commodore US*14
Compucorp (Computer Design Corp.)
Compucorp 110/X Scientist
Compucorp 120 Scientist
Compucorp 122E Scientist
Compucorp 125E Scientist
Compucorp 140 Statistician
Compucorp 324G Scientist
Craig 4502
Crown CL-80K
Curta Type II
Denon (Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd.)
Denon DEC-61A4
Denon DEC-411
Denon DEC-311
Descal ASI-500
Dictaphone 1212
Combitron S
Eiko Business Machine Co., Ltd.
Digitronic-M (Unitrex 1201M)
Facit 1121
Facit 1122
Facit 1111
Friden STW-10
Friden SRQ-10
Friden EC-130 [Manual]
Friden EC-132
Friden 1112
Friden 1113
Singer/Friden 1152
Singer/Friden 1160
Singer/Friden 1162
Singer/Friden 1166
Friden EC1114
Friden EC1115
Friden EC1116
Friden EC1117
Friden EC1118
Friden EC1117A
Friden 1155 Advanced Programmable
Heathkit IC-2008A
Hewlett Packard
Hewlett Packard 9100A
Hewlett Packard 9100B
Hewlett Packard 9101A Memory Expansion
Industria Macchine Elettroniche (IME)
IME 86-S
IME DG-308 Programmer
IME MS-30 Memory Register Peripheral
International Calculating Machines
ICM 816
Lago Calc, Inc.
LC 816
LC 119
Lloyds Electronics, Inc.
Accumatic 70
Accumatic 100
Mathatron 8-48
Mathatron 8-48M Mod II
Nippon Calculating Machine Co. (Busicom)
Busicom 161
Marchant (SCM)
SCM/Marchant Cogito 240SR
Marchant Cogito 412
Marchant Cogito 414
SCM Marchant 1016PR
SCM Marchant I
Marchant 221
Master Calculator Co.
Master H-1
Master II
Miida MC840
MITS (Micro Instrumentation & Telemetry Systems)
MITS 816
MITS Programmer
MITS 7440 [Manual]
Monroe 740
Monroe 770
Monroe EPIC 2000
Monroe EPIC-3000
National Cash Register (NCR)
NCR 18-1
NCR 18-2
Programma 101
Olympia International (Olympia Werke AG)
Panasonic (Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.)
Panasonic 1000
Panasonic 850
Passport CA-850
Philips P-252
Rapid Data
Rapid Data Rapidman 1208LC
Sperry/Remington Rand
Remington/Casio 101
Remington Rand EDC-III
Remington Rand EDC-1201GT
Sperry-Remington 661-D
Sperry-Remington 663
Sperry-Remington 823-GT
Rockwell 960
Royal Typewriter Co. (Litton)
Royal Digital/Digital I
Royal Digital VIII-K
Sanyo ICC-1141
Sanyo ICC-162
Sanyo ICC-0081
Sanyo ICC-1122
SCM (Smith-Corona Marchant)
SCM/Marchant Cogito 240SR
Marchant (SCM) Cogito 412
Marchant (SCM) Cogito 414
SCM Marchant I
Marchant 221
Sharp (Hayakawa Electric Co, Ltd)
Sharp Compet 20
Sharp Compet 21
Sharp Compet 15
Sharp Compet 16
Sharp Compet 17
Sharp Compet 22
Sharp Compet 32
Sharp Memorizer 60 Programmer
Sharp Compet 12
Sharp Compet 241
Sharp QT-8D [Manual]
Sharp EL-8
Sharp EL-8M
Sharp Compet 623B
Sharp EL-160
Sharp Compet 363P
Sharp EL-811
Sharp EL-803
Sharp Compet 365P
Sharp EL-804
Sharp Compet 364R [Manual]
Sharp Compet 229
Sharp PC-1001
Sharp ELSI 817S
Sharp EL-8109
Singer/Friden EC1113
Singer/Friden 1152
Singer/Friden 1162
Singer/Friden EC1114
Singer/Friden EC1115
Singer/Friden EC1116
Singer/Friden EC1117
Singer/Friden EC1117A
Singer/Friden EC1118
Singer/Friden 1203
Sony Sobax ICC-400W
Sony Sobax ICC-500W
Sony Sobax ICC-2550
Soundesign 8280
Sumlock Comptometer
Sumlock Comptometer/Bell Punch Anita C/VIII
Cintra/Tektronix 909 "Scientific"
Cintra/Tektronix 928 Instructor Interface for 909/911 Calculator [Manual]
Tektronix Model 31 [Manual]
Tektronix 31/53 (Type 153) Measurement System
Tektronix Type 154 RS-232 Serial Interface
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments TI-3000
Texas Instruments TI-3500
Texas Instruments SR-20
Texas Instruments Exactra 31
Texas Instruments SR-60/SR-60A
Toshiba BC-1411
Toshiba BC-1211-S
Unicom 1212
Victor Comptometer Corp.
Victor 14-321
Victor 14-322
Victor 1800-1441
Victor MEC/223 & MEC/225
Victor 4900
[Op Manual]
[Prog Manual]
Wanderer Werke
Wang Laboratories
Wang LOCI-2
Wang LOCI Printer
Wang 320E Calculator
Wang 360E Calculator
Wang 360SE Calculating System
Wang 362E Calculator
Wang 370 Programmer [Advertisement]
Wang 380 Programmer [Advertisement]
Wang 372 Data Storage [Data Sheet]
Wang 377 Model 33ASR Input/Output Writer Control
Wang 700A
Wang 720C
Wang 701 Output Writer
Wang 705 Micro Interface
Wyle Laboratories
WS-01 Scientific
WS-02 Scientific [Manual]